Hexacutioner – Decimal to Hex and Binary

Hexacutioner is a light-weight decimal to hexadecimal, binary and octal converter. You can convert from any number system to another. You can type in Hex to convert to all others, etc. There are more additions to come in the future.

Link will be made available once Apple approves of the app.

If you have any questions or problems please contact mailto: admin@kosciuskomedia.com

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Proud Hoosier. I grew up pretty poor and never got to play much with tech until I went to college. Since then, I've done a lot with tech like programming, building electronics and obviously my own systems. I'm getting into all the stuff I missed as a kid. Army Guard and Navy vet, law school grad with no license nor do I want one. 46 with no kids. Is that good or bad?


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